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Rescue Me
Corporation {Incorporated}
~Rescue~ ~Rehabilitation~

Wish List

A piece of land for our no kill rescue and rehab sanctuary {so we can rescue more animals}
Regular monthly financial donations
A van/SUV for transporting the pooches to and from adoptions, vets, food pick up etc…
A printer that can donate services/copy machine/print newsletters etc…
Volunteers for weekly adoptions
Baby Gates {to keep the little ones contained to one area}
Kong toys of all sizes
Stuffed Toys {for the puppies to destroy…and they will and do}
Stainless Steel Bowls {No plastic please}
Raised Food Bowls {for dogs of all sizes}
Stainless Steel Buckets
Puppy/Dog Shampoo/Conditioner
Collars and Leashes and Harnesses {in all sizes}
Halties {Training harness}
Gentle Leaders {Training harness}
Dog Crates {all sizes}
Grooming Clippers {for the at home we can’t wait to get to the groomers emergency grooming}
Blankets and Towels/Bleach and Laundry Soap
Pet Beds {we go through sooooooooooooo many}
Dog Houses {desperate need}
Dog Runs {All sizes}
Raised platforms for the dogs to sleep on
Color and black ink cartridges for HP ENVY PRO 6452 series/copy paper
Grooming Tools {Brushes/ Nail Trimmers {etc…}
Gift Certificates to pet stores for supplies [Red Barn Pet Stores}
Gift certificates to
Gift certificates to
Canopy tents for adoptions
Pet Colognes {for those stinky moments}
Grooming Table {so we can save money and groom at home}
Exercise Pens {IE: X-pens large tall size to keep the little guys contained outside}
Pooper Scoopers {a much needed item}
Doggie Bandanas/Sweaters for the dogs {we have to look cool}
Natures Miracle {to clean up those little boo boos}
Lucy Pet Dog food {Kibble and Treats}
Honest Kitchen Food
Food Storage Containers
Wee Wee Pads {for puppy training and general household accidents}
Ear Cleaner/ Eye Cleaner
E-Collars {to keep from chewing after surgery}
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes {for that fresh breath and great smile}
Hay for the farm animals
Gift Certificates to the market/s so we can buy fresh veggies for the farm animals
Car seats for the dogs when we travel for safety
Car seat belts, buckle up for safety
Gift certificates for
Gift certificates for Hugs and kisses supplements
Mazuri Tortoise Food
Pet Tabs Vitamins {for pups and adults}
Lap Top Computer, IPADS

When you #StartWithaSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Rescue Me Inc. Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.

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