Happy New Year

Well, it's been some time since we posted an updated blog.
So much has happened in the past two months and our Founder is now in a place where we are able to send you all an update of whats been happening here at Rescue Me Inc.
On October 22nd, our Founder Joy Nadel was found by her husband and Co-Founder Craig Nadel in an unresponsive condition. She was immediately taken to the hospital and transferred to Kaiser Sunset for further treatment where she would spend the next four weeks in the ICU.
The first thought was she had a stroke, but alas that was not the case.
After a brain biopsy and lumbar puncture as well as numerous other tests it was discovered that she didn't have a stroke at all.
She was unresponsive and paralyzed as well as unable to speak for 10 days. The prognosis wasn't good. Craig was told that she might never speak, walk or be cognitive in any way.
They told him the lesion on her brain was so large as it covered the entire frontal lobe of the left side of her brain. The initial diagnosis was a brain tumor, then cancer throughout her entire body. BUT THEN...
The diagnosis came back as a very rare form of Multiple Sclerosis {Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis}
After four weeks in the ICU at Kaiser she was ready to be transferred to a rehab facility to being her physical therapy and start to re-learn the things she would need to get along in life.
Joy is a fighter and she fought hard to regain her ability to speak, walk and care for herself.
She was in the rehab for eight days ONLY when she was released for outpatient therapy and was given the okay to go home.
During this entire time Craig took over the care for the rescue, along with great friends and fellow rescuers to help foster the animals.
All Joy wanted to do during this time was get home to her dogs and husband. On their 26th wedding anniversary she was released from rehab and picked up by Craig who had a beautiful anniversary dinner planned for her at one of their favorite places.
Currently today, Joy is at home in recovery and her dogs are at home as well.
Currently we are facing some financial challenges as we are searching for a food sponsor for the rescue as well as basic everyday financial obligations.
Your TAX DEDICTABLE donations can be made via PAYPAL to rescuemeincorporated@yahoo.com or if you prefer snail mail 22121 Clarendon Street, Suite 385, Woodland Hills, CA. 91365-0385
We here at Rescue Me Inc. want to thank you all for your kind messages, texts, phone calls and e/mails during this time.
A Givinggrid page has been set up for donations for Joy and the animals of Rescue Me Inc. https://www.givinggrid.com/supportforjoyandrescuemeinc-//