Rescue Me
Corporation {Incorporated}
~Rescue~ ~Rehabilitation~

F U N-draising

Currently Rescue Me Corporation {Incorporated} is working on finding people that want to work on our FUN-draising team.If interested please e/mail Joy at: rescuemeincorporated@yahoo.com
We are working on a few ideas for a BIG FUN-draiser and if your interested in helping out or getting involved please contact Joy as well at the addy above.
We are seeking a grant writer to help us write grants if interested please contact Doreen at: luvzyorkies@yahoo.com
We are looking for people willing to hold a tabling event at your favorite store/establishment. What's this??? Well, you set up a table and talk to people about our org. We supply all printed material and a donation box as well. Interested please contact Doreen at the addy above.
We are ALWAYS open to hearing about FUN-draising ideas and love to get people involved in our organization so if you have any ideas or interest please do contact Doreen at the above address with your ideas and for more information
We look forward to making a lot of new friends and raising funds for the orphans in our care and the ones still waiting to be rescued.