Rescue Me
Corporation {Incorporated}
~Rescue~ ~Rehabilitation~

Forever in Our Care
Sometimes Rescue Me Corporation {Incorporated} rescues/saves a special fur baby that just isn't going to find a home due to age, illness, level o f abuse etc... so they live out their lives with us as a forever foster. Below are some of those very special fur kids in our forever care program.
Luv-Bug came to us one day at an adoption we were having. His human showed up woith him begging us to take him in. She was a student here from China attending UCLA and she was diagnosed with brain cancer and told she had 3 months to live and she wanted to place Luv Bug before she passed as he was her BFF. We asked if she anted to keep hjim until she no longer could care for him and she said no and started to cry. She said he was her best froend and she didnt want him to watch her die. We said we would take him in of course and she asked if we would keep him as we were so kind to her and she had been turned down bu so many other orgs. I made her a pronise that day that he would stay with us. He is now 15 years old and has some health issues but he is safe and we wuff him dearly.
We got a call one day to come right away and get Annie. Apparently a new baby had entered the picture and she was banned from the house and tied to a tree where kids in the neighborhood were throwing rocks and sticks at her. When we arrived she was shaking and we knew we had to get her out of there. She was scared of people and especially kids. Annie is a fear biter and even though we have been working on her behavior she is a liability, thus she will remain here in the home she feels safe in.Annie is now 12 years old and has some health issues, but she is safe and we wuff her.

Annie Marshmallow
Annie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2014

Sadly we lost LuvBug in 2014

We said good-bye to Princess after a long illness in 2014
We were approached to take Princess in as the family that had her no longer could provide care for her and the time for a dog. We agreed to take her in. The day after we got her she became very ill and was rished to the E.R. We did a bunch of tests and could not discover what was going on. We were sent home and she got better, but then got very ill again and started to have grand mal seizures. Princess is ONLY 2 pounds so this took a lot out of her. Back to the vet and more tests we finally had a diagnosis....Princess has Addisons Disease. Now on meds the seizures don't happen that often but she is fragile. Princess is 11 years old.

We lost Elmo at the ripe old age of 23 in 2014
Elmo was rescued from a puppy mill bust/hoarder situation. He was 16 years old when we got him, He didnt know how to walk, had no use of his legs and had tar burnt on his skin. We had to graft his skin and remove the tar. The vet told us he will never have fur, but good food, lots of love and supplements he has a stunning coat and is 23 years old. Sadly no one wanted to adopt a super senior so he will remain here untl it is time for him to pass over to the Rainbow Bridge.


Sadly we said our final good-bye to this beauty in 2019. She was 19 years old.
Channel is now 15 years old and came to us with her brother at 6 weeks old when we rec'd a call telling us a breeder in Sacramento just discovered they were blind/deaf. {Lethal White puppies} The threat was to kill them could not be found. We arranged transport {By the way it as Thanksgiving weekend} and they arrived on Thanksgiving night at our vets office. We made a promise they would stay together as they depended on one another so much. We had offers to adopt one or the other and we stood our ground and said both or none. We lost Armani last year and Channel was lost. She grieved for a long time, but she has a home here and lots of love and she will remain here at Rescue Me In. until the time comes for her to meet Armani again.

Scooter-Pie and Mr. Clyde
{too shy for pix}
Both have passed away and will be forever missed
Imagine this call, cute Shih Tzu hit by car, back end paralysis, probably will never walk again. Joy he is so sweet please come and get him. So off I go and get there to find Scooter AND Mr. Clyde also been hit by a car. So off to the vet woth BOTH. Scooter has a back injury that every once in a while will leave him paralyzed and unable to walk. Mr. Clyde has severe behavior issues as well as a back and leg injury that acts up every once in a while. Scooter is 15 years old and Mr Clyde is 13 years old.
This is Baxter. He was beaten by a bad man and we were asked to take him in. He still has major trust issues and is a fear biter. Totally unpredictable, but seems to be very happy here at Rescue Me Inc. Baxter will remain here where he feels safe and secure.

This sweet girl passed away at home at 23 years old knowing she was loved

Kit Kat Sweet Kit Kat passed away in his loving home at age 16 and knew love and respect
Dumped at a boarding facility that she and her brother had been at for a year we were asked to take in Cookie and her brother whom passed away last year. Cookie is currently 22 years old and doing great, but due to her age no one wants to adopt her so she will remain here in her golden years until the time comes for her to join her brother.
Kit Kat is now 14 years old. He came to us after a severe back and leg injury. Due to his injuries no one wanted him so now due to his age and severe arthritis he will forever live out his life here and we are blessed to have him.

{Witness Protection}
Chloe is a very sweet little girl whom is in our witness protection program. We were asked to take her in as she was a severe abuse case and her human tried to steal her from the shelter. After arriving at the shelter for a 2nd time after being hit by a car. We took her in and she rec'd the surgery she needed to put her leg back together again. No more info avail for her safety....

We lost Miss Gremlin in 2015
Poor lil Grumpy Gremlin came to us when we rec'd a call from the shelter saying there was a special needs dog there thst needed us. Gremlin had an injury that left her paralyzed and we were told she would never have use of her legs again. We promptly went to the shelter and got her, then off to the vet who confirmed her severe injury. One vet even suggested we put her down and we said NO....We took her to our holistic vet whom began treatment on her, acupuncture, cold laser treatment, hydrotherapy and massage. Well, Gremlin can walk again. She does have bad days when she cant walk and she needs help. Gremlin is as well a fear biter as we discovered she had been abused thus the probable cause of her injury. She is fearful of humans other then her Rescue Me Inc family thus as she is an older lady she will remain here in her own peace and comfort.