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We ONLY adopt our orphans out to responsible guardians.


We have a VERY extensive adooption application and contract and we require a home visit prior to ANY animal going to his/her new home.


In order to protect the pets we place in new homes, we must have certain policies that are followed. As stated our goal is to be certain the adopted pet finds a new home for life, not just another temporary home where he or she will be re~homed after a few months or a few years. We reserve the right to refuse to adopt to anyone for any reason without explanation.


These policies are in place for the safety and well being of the animals.


We won’t put an animal up for adoption if we know that he/she is sick or injured. That would not be fair to either the animal or the adoptive family.  When an animal is judged to be adoptable {by our staff of trained professionals} he/she is, to the best of our knowledge, healthy.  Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the health or behavior of the animal.  {We do temperament test and vet check each animal before every adoption} PLEASE remember that there is a period of adjustment when bringing a new family member home.


All animals are vaccinated/micro~chipped at the time they are adopted.  We provide the family adopting a pet a record of all the vaccinations given to the animal.  The law requires that all animals adopted must be spayed or neutered. 

Adoption Process

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Our Policies

1. The primary caregiver must be an adult, not a child. The pet must be wanted by the entire family. If any member of the family does not want the pet, the pet will not be placed with that family.   The primary caregiver must be a person, not a "place" such as a "classroom" or a "retirement home". There must be an actual person who is responsible for the pet for the rest of the pet's lifetime, including taking responsibility for all vet care, food, nail trims, etc.

2. Indoor housing is required. Indoors is defined as the area of the house the entire family lives in. While in the yard the pet must be provided with secure fencing, and adequate supervision at all times. There are dangers outdoors! NO pet may be kept primarily outdoors.


3. A home check is required to ensure that the pet will be living in a safe area. A home check is not a volunteer coming into your house and prowling through your rooms or showing up unannounced!  An appointment is made first, then the volunteer comes in and checks the pet's area, food, and accessories for safety. The volunteer doesn't care if you haven't washed last night's dishes or left the beds unmade or haven't dusted. The volunteer is not taking pictures for Better Homes and Gardens or making sure you keep the house spotless!


4. All animals leaving this rescue WILL be spayed/neutered before adoption. We do NOT adopt out unaltered animals!!!


5. While we are very careful to ensure that the animal you adopt matches up with your family, sometimes problems arise that are insurmountable. If there are such problems with the adopted pet we ask that you call us immediately to allow us to help solve the problem. We ask that you keep in contact with us following the adoption so we can help work out any problems as they arise. Many problems can be worked out easily, so please let us help.


6. The adoption is non-transferable. You may not sell, adopt, or give away this pet to anyone else. The pet must come back to us in the event that the pet is found to be unsuitable for your household, no matter how much time has passed.


7. The adoption fees are non-refundable. We are a California non profit corporation, and as such we can offer to you a tax deduction for your donation.


8. All pets are adopted into new homes with any and all KNOWN illnesses, injuries and needed treatments disclosed. We are not responsible for any disease or illness that we were unaware of at the time of adoption. Any and all veterinary bills resulting from illness or injury either to the pet(s) adopted from us or a pet you already have are to be paid by you. We are not responsible for any part of them. These pets come from all walks of life that we had no control over. While we try our best to ensure that they are healthy before adoption, we are not responsible for medical bills if a pet becomes ill after being adopted. We keep a very close eye on them and work closely with a veterinarian if we do find a problem. All animals are given an exam at the time that they are spayed/neutered.


9. Age of pets. We do our best to give an accurate age based on any information given to us by the person/shelter who gives the pet up.


10. After the contract has been signed, the adopter will be legally responsible for their new family member.


11. We do our best to determine the personality and habits of all the pets here. Because pets are living beings, we cannot guarantee that they are not going to chew something of yours, dig on the carpet or decide that your antique books are food. We also cannot guarantee that they do not bite or scratch; any animal can inflict bodily injury on a human or other animal. We will disclose all information we have about their personality as it was shown at a foster home and as a previous guardian described them. We are not responsible for any bodily injury or property damage that this pet might cause.


Welcome to the world of pet guardianship.

Prior to adopting a new family member, ask yourself

Prior to adopting, please consider the following:


  • Is your home and backyard pet safe?

  • If you don't own your home, does your landlord allow pets (will confirm prior to final adoption)?

  • Is your lifestyle such that you have time for a pet?

  • Do you have the time needed to spend with a pet (daily attention, grooming, playtime, training, feeding, walking, etc.)

  • Can you afford a pet (food, medical care, toys, grooming, licensing, uexpected emergencies, etc.)?

  • Who will be responsible for the pet (a child is not a responsible pet guardian)?

  • How will discipline the pet when he/she does something wrong (and they will)?

  • A great deal of a patience is required when adopting a pet (puppies chew, kittens scratch and shed). Are you up for it?

  • Is anyone allergic to animals (most shed)?

  • Remember the importance of a yearly physical exam (senior pets should be seen every four to six months), routine vaccinations and licensing.

What to Expect from start to the delivery of your new BFF

So now what?...


  • Step one...Fall in Love!

  • Complete an Adoption Application and Contract

  • Interview with Adoption Counselor/Volunteer

  • Await Home Inspection

  • If all works out, then you are the proud new parent of a great new best friend.

  • Oh yes, don't forget the tax deductible donation.

  • We do NOT EVER release unaltered animals. Your new family member will be spayed/neutered prior to any and all adoptions.

  • For the protection of the puppies/tea cup and very small breed animals, we do not allow families with children under age ten to adopt them.

  • We only allow local adoptions.

  • NO out of state adoptions.

  • We do NOT ship or fly our animals to a new home.

  • We want you to keep in touch and send pix and updates.

  • We are ALWAYS going to be a part of your lives

  • We will ALWAYS be available if you need us.

Be a responsible parent and always have your pet spayed or neutered.  It saves lives!!

We are a Voice for the Voiceless
We don't rescue for income.
We rescue for the outcome of finding our orphans a loving forever home!
EIN Number: 95-4863328

Voice for the Voiceless Pic.jpg

Established September 5, 2002 

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