Rescue Me
Corporation {Incorporated}
~Rescue~ ~Rehabilitation~

2015 Events...

Check out what's happening...

June is...
National Adopt a Pet Month!!!!!!
Rescue Me Corporation {Incorporated } is teaming up with Pizza Rev to help promote this event and for every animal that finds a forever home through Rescue Me Corporation {Incorporated } . in the month of June, that new pet parent will get a gift card for a FREE pizza!!!!
They are also holding a 'pizza fundraiser' for us on June 15th ALL day so print this coupon or mention our name and we get money back when you eat on June 15th!!!

Hello, my name is Harrison and I have chosen to make my Eagle Scout project revolve around my favorite charity, Rescue Me Corporation {Incorporated }
As a huge animal lover I knew this is where I wanted to help.
I am raising funds to make much needed repairs to fencing and provide a therapy pool for the animals.
Please help me by making your kind donation to help this worthy charity.
Paypal: rescuemeincorporated@yahoo.com

Aunt Mary's Pet Pillows

Jeff Cukier-S.O.A.C. Systems, Inc
"Horse Tales Photography" by Natalie Barbera