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2014 Events

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Rescue Me Inc NASCAR Race Event

Rescue Me Inc NASCAR Race Event

RESCUE ME INC. 1st Annual Race with the Stars Event 500 Speedway Dr, Irwindale, CA 91706 To purchase tix to race go here Race Starts at 10:00 a.m. {Racing class at 8 a.m. for all those racing you are REQUIRED to take the class} This event will benefit "Rescue Me Inc", the animal orphans and help us raise funds to train service dogs for our returning Military heroes. See Celebs battle it out to help save lives and raise money 4 our charity!

Racers Edge Go Cart FUN-racing Event

Racers Edge Go Cart FUN-racing Event

Our WONDERFUL Mr Chillie Mo aka Bullet has chosen to make his b-day this year a FUN-raiser for Rescue Me Inc. April 27th from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. Location is at Racers Edge Karting located at 960 Chestnut Street in Burbank, CA 91506.

Racers Edge Go Cart FUN-racing Event

Racers Edge Go Cart FUN-racing Event

Our WONDERFUL Mr Chillie Mo aka Bullet has chosen to make his b-day this year a FUN-raiser for Rescue Me Inc. April 27th from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. Location is at Racers Edge Karting located at 960 Chestnut Street in Burbank, CA 91506.

Racers Edge Go Kart Fund-Racer Event

Racers Edge Go Kart Fund-Racer Event

Our WONDERFUL Mr Chillie Mo aka Bullet has chosen to make his b-day this year a FUN-raiser for Rescue Me Inc. April 27th from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. Location is at Racers Edge Karting located at 960 Chestnut Street in Burbank, CA 91506.

10th Annual Adopt-a-thon Event

10th Annual Adopt-a-thon Event

Our 10th annual Hugs,Slurps and Slobbers SUPER Adopt-a-thon will be held on July 27th at the Ventura County Animal Services Dept. in Camarillo, CA. Vendors, Music, Celeb SUPER STAR, Laci Kay to sing LIVE, Celebs, Step and Repeat with a purple carpet, Food and the real stars of the day the animal orphans looking for a new home!!! 600 Aviation Dr., Camarillo, CA. 93010 For vendor info or event info contact us at

We are a Voice for the Voiceless
We don't rescue for income.
We rescue for the outcome of finding our orphans a loving forever home!
EIN Number: 95-4863328

Voice for the Voiceless Pic.jpg

Established September 5, 2002 

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